David Ebaugh
Welcome to Divorce Mediation Services
There is no way to avoid the emotional pain of ending a marriage, but there are non-adversarial ways to divorce without destruction, losers and ugliness. Getting stuck in the feelings depicted above, long term, does not have to be your outcome. Therefore, the separation and divorce process you choose may be the most significant decision you will make today.
With the Mediation and Collaborative Law processes:
• There is an increased probability for a good outcome… where assets are distributed to maximize the benefits to ALL.
• Options are generated prior to decision making which leads to INFORMED DECISIONS and less destruction.
• When the parties make their own decisions the RESULTS ARE MORE ENDURING because each person owns and is committed to his/her outcome choices.
• The parties have control over the divorcing process at a time when there is a high amount of chaos in their lives. This control increases the feeling of SECURITY AND SATISFACTION.
• You can expect the process to be much LESS CONFRONTATIONAL than court.
• Doors can be opened for families with children so that communication can effectively continue to flow after the divorce…for the good of the children and the ongoing POSITIVE CO-PARENTING RELATIONSHIP.
• In the end, there is emotional resolution which gives life after divorce the freedom to truly LET GO AND MOVE ON.
Consider taking a few minutes to read my article entitled Creating a Humane Divorce….. Play an Active Role in Designing your Life After Divorce (Click here).
Call or Email TODAY for a free half hour consultation on Divorce Mediation Services, Divorce Coaching as part of the Collaborative Law process, Parenting Coordination.
Phone: (410) 356-3344, Ext. 101

Welcome to Mental Health Services
Individual Counseling: David is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor who enjoys working with late adolescents and/or adults. Many of his individual clients are seen because they want to feel better from anxiety and/or depression.
Marriage Counseling: David assists couples in rebuilding their marriage connections using Sue Johnson's Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) approach and John Gottman's research on making marriages work.
Alcohol & Drug Abuse Treatment: David is a Certified Chemical Dependence Counselor. He enjoys working with both alcohol and other chemical dependencies. He has treated other addictions such as gambloing and sex addiction.
DWI Evaluations: David prepares DWI Evaluatinos appropriate for your use in court. They are available upon request.
Parenting Coordinator: David is a court appointed Parenting Coordinator for the Circuit Court of Carroll County, Maryland. He educates, mediates and arbitrates for post, divorced high conflict families with a focus on the best interests of their children.
Call or Email TODAY for an appointment for Individual Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Substance Abuse Treatment or DWI Evaluation for Court. Phone: (410) 356-3344, Ext. 101
Web site designed & hosted by David Ebaugh (c) 2008 at HOMESTEAD
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor
Divorce Mediator, Marriage Counselor,
Substance Abuse Treatment
DWI Evaluations for Court